Cohort 1: The Net Gala

A social networking event for BIPOC teenagers interested in healthcare careers.

Our Purpose:

Bridging the economic divide in our nation hinges on empowering youth from historically marginalized communities with broad social capital networks. Cohort 1’s project, The Net Gala, stands as a beacon of this mission, bringing together 100 students from NYC and 50 healthcare professionals. This event is more than a gathering; it's an opportunity for meaningful dialogue, incredible food, and the laying of foundations for sustained, impactful relationships.

Our Execution:

The Net Gala is scheduled for Thursday, June 6, 2024, from 6 PM to 9 PM, and will be hosted at Above the Heights, located at 2420 Amsterdam Ave, New York, NY 10033. We extend an invitation to healthcare professionals across the spectrum, from general practitioners, anesthesiologists, medical administrators, psychiatrists, to surgeons, to engage with remarkable high school students during this event.

The Net Gala offers a unique opportunity to showcase available internships and mentorship programs to these exceptional students, providing a platform for fostering future healthcare leaders.

If you are interesting in joining us, please fill out the interest form below:


  • The Net Gala will be held on Thursday, June 6th from 6:00pm-9:00pm. The event host is NewComm, a community design studio that identifies, employs, and rigorously prepares high school students to build social ventures that address local challenges.

  • The location is at Above the Heights, an event space located in Washington Heights. The address is 2420 Amsterdam Ave, New York, NY 10033. Professionals across the medical field including but not limited to clinicians, hospital administrators, current medical and nursing students are invited. We also anticipate the attendance of a medical technology start-up and other health agencies.

  • The theme of Net Gala is Afrofuturism. Afrofuturism is a cultural aesthetic that combines science-fiction, history and fantasy to explore the African-American experience and aims to connect those from the black diaspora with their forgotten African ancestry.

    To learn more:


    Afrofuturism: A History of Black Futures

  • The dress code is formal with colors recommended. We greatly encourage you to wear clothing that represents yourself, your culture, and your interests.

  • We recommend bringing a copy of your resume. You may encounter organizations seeking high school interns for the summer or beyond.

  • You can expect a formal invite in mid April.

  • In May, NewComm will hold a Pre-Net Gala 1-day program.This is intended to prepare participants with valuable networking skills including background information on medical related topics and professions. It will also address next steps post the Net Gala. In the meantime, here is a helpful guide for some networking tips.

  • For additional information please contact Please feel free to checking out this page for more updates.